Sunday, November 4, 2018

Sermon: Growing Our Faith Through Generosity

Growing Our Faith Through Generosity
1 Peter 4: 10-11
by Rev. Carson Overstreet
Van Wyck Presbyterian Church
November 4, 2018
Stewardship Sunday

Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God; whoever serves must do so with the strength that God supplies, so that God may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ. To him belong the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. - 1 Peter 4: 10-11

It is hard to keep focus when you are distressed. The Apostle Peter certainly knew this to be true. So he put his thoughts on paper and wrote to his flocks whom were under Roman authority and scattered through Asia Minor. Peter was sending encouraging words to the early church – you see they needed a pick me up.

The church’s core values were being rejected. Christians faced slander and misunderstanding from their neighbors, former friends, and family. It was a divisive time. And Peter’s letter was to reassure Jesus’ followers not to get caught up in all the negativity. Peter’s words were to empower the early church to remain faithful to their core convictions in an uncertain time.

Peter says the very core of our Christian belief is that we are blessed by God’s great mercy for God has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead ( 1Peter 1:3). As a result of this new hope we have received an inheritance that is kept in heaven for us. Therefore, this gift of God’s grace is more precious than gold (1 Peter 1: 3-4, 7).

But this incredible gift revealed through Jesus Christ is not solely about transforming us as individuals. This incredible gift is about transforming all humanity and creation back to God’s intentions.

For Peter, the real gift is that Jesus Christ did not abandon the world but gave his life to save it. And this very gift holds great implications for us as disciples of Jesus Christ – if you and I belong to the body of Christ then we are to follow Jesus’ example and not abandon the world either.

Jesus Christ entrusted the disciples and apostles with his resurrection power. And this gift of God’s power changes everything! It changes the way we see the world and one another. It changes the way we are to live, work, and play in God’s beautiful yet broken world. Therefore, God’s precious gift of salvation is to move us to set all our hope on the grace that Jesus Christ brought and will bring as we actively wait for God’s kingdom to fully come.

The Christian life is always about following Jesus.

I love the words of a favorite contemporary Christian song by Third Day:

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in his wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
Live a life of his glory and his grace.

As we grow in a deeper head and heart knowledge of Jesus Christ and this gift of faith our lives are forever changed.

We find a place of welcome and belonging when God’s hospitality meets us where we are.
We thank God that we are never left where the grace of God finds us.
We experience that second chance (and sometimes more chances that we can count) knowing that we are more than our past mistakes.
In our weakest moments we find that another’s prayers hold us in the strength of God’s deep embrace.
When we fellowship together and serve our neighbors we are blessed by the holy encounters of seeing Jesus in one another.
And the more our faith grows, the more we begin to discover the unique passions, talents, and treasures which God has given to us to help build the kingdom.

Today Peter’s letter taps our faith on the shoulder saying, “Beloved, rekindle the gift of God within you!” (1 Timothy 1:6). God’s Word speaks into our uncertain and anxious times and reminds us to focus on our core conviction. Jesus Christ did not abandon the world and we are not to abandon it either. In fact, God’s Spirit is always seeking opportunities to invite you and me to join God in this holy work of reconciling the world.

Peter speaks the truth in love to us today: “We are to serve one another with the manifold grace we have received” (1 Peter 4:10). In the Greek, the word “serve” means to kick up dust – to actively serve. So do not neglect the gift of God within you.

The prophet Isaiah once spoke as God’s mouthpiece: “My word that goes out from my mouth will not return to me empty; it shall accomplish that which I purpose and succeed in the thing for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11).

God’s Word dwells within you and me and God chooses to work out God’s purposes in the world through us as God’s agents of reconciliation. It is our belief that the church is the body of Christ. And Jesus Christ gives the church all the gifts necessary to be his body. The hope is that we may be good stewards of these gifts with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love.

We believe that the Christian life is an offering of one’s whole self to God (Book of Order W-3.0411). So do not neglect the gift of God within you! Let us invest our whole selves to growing our faith through generosity! We do this by becoming a more integral part of this community of faith.

We serve and kick up some dust by investing our TIME to grow in relationship with God, with one another, and with the neighbors of the community. When we are attentive to God’s work of tethering us in authentic relationships then the world sees us as a genuine “community of love” (F-1.0301). Authentic and genuine relationships exists where “sin is forgiven, reconciliation is at work, and the dividing walls of hostility are being torn down” (Book of Order F-1.0301).

Many from this congregation attended a vigil Thursday evening at Sun City Carolina Lakes to remember the eleven Jewish souls who died at the Tree of Life Synagogue (Pittsburgh, PA) on Saturday October 28. It was overwhelming for hundreds to gather as a community of love united as children of Abraham; sisters and brothers of the Jewish and Christian traditions. Pastor David of the Bible Study Club shared, “We stand in solidarity with you because we love you.” Rabbi Rachel urged us to live our lives with intention to be the light, love, and joy to bring peace.

Let us be intentional to grow our faith through generous relationships of self-giving love.

We serve and kick up some dust by investing our TALENTS – our passions, skills and spiritual gifts to further our identity as a “community of hope” (Book of Order F-1.0301). Van Wyck Presbyterian Church is known as a small church that cares. I am often overwhelmed by the generosity of hospitality and compassion here. When a need arises this church rallies in prayer and in action. The gift of faith moves our hearts and minds to share the hope of Jesus Christ with others. And there are so many talents and skills among us!

We serve one another and kick up some dust by sharing our stories in worship; by learning God’s Word through one another; sharing our talents with one another and the community through Van Wyck’s Got Talent; seeking opportunities to help our neighbors in need; and gathering together in the greater community to bring new life.

Let us be intentional to grow our faith through the generous giving of hope.

We serve and kick up some dust by investing our TREASURES to join God in building the kingdom as a “community of witness” (F-1.0301). All that we are and all that we have belong to God. When we return a portion of our financial gifts to God through our tithes and pledges then we are making a promise to live by God’s faithfulness. The whole of Scripture proclaims God will always keep his promises to give God’s people a future with hope (Jeremiah 29:11).

God invites you and I to discern God’s plans for our church’s hope-filled future. Therefore, our tithes and pledges become foundational building blocks of ministry that change lives beyond the church walls. As our ministries grow to share God’s story of love and hope, our gifts “point beyond the church itself and to the good news of God’s transforming grace in Jesus Christ our Lord” (Book of Order F-1.0301).

Let us be intentional to grow our faith through the generosity of our treasures to share the good news.

My prayer is that God’s Spirit would rekindle how precious the gift of faith is for you and for me. I pray each of us will consider taking a risk to grow a little more in our faithfulness to God.

Each year we have a few more households who feel led to pledge or tithe. I thank you for your generosity AND your growing trust of God’s provision!

May we grow our faith and our core convictions through generosity – becoming a more integral part of our faith community.

There is something at stake for us. Our community and the world need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ in these anxious times. Every member here has a mission and a purpose in this. How will you share this precious gift with the generosity of your time, talents, and treasures?

Our time, talents, and treasures may seem quite ordinary, but to God they are extraordinary instruments of Christ’s resurrection power! The sole reason we share them is so that God’s name will be praised.

Are you ready to serve and kick up some dust today and into this new church year of ministry together?

In the name of God our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer.


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