Monday, November 30, 2015

Advent Breath Prayer: Hope Nov 30

A breath prayer is an intentional pause
throughout the day to focus prayerfully on a
short phrase through your breathing. The
rhythm is simple:

Breathe in slow and deep as you whisper or think on a
word or short Bible phrase... Hold your breath... Then
exhale thinking on the second word or short phrase.
Repeat this for a few minutes as you relax and settle into
a prayerful mindset. Pause through the day to center upon
these words for prayerful reflection. Breath prayers are a meaningful way to slow down in this season of Advent to wait and listen for God's whispers of hope, peace, joy, and love.

Advent Breath Prayer: Hope, by Carson Overstreet

"Shower, O heavens, from above, and let the skies rain down righteousness; let the earth open, that salvation may spring up." - Isaiah 45:8

Inhale: "Let the skies rain"
Exhale: "Salvation is coming."
Breathe in, breathe out God's Word through the day.

During the season of Advent we are waiting for God's salvation to come anew through Jesus' birth. What situation are you waiting on God to deliver you from? Pause and look up into the skies. Whether you are being bathed by beams of sun or being covered by the winter rains, trust God is preparing for salvation to come to restore us. We wait for God to act not just once in our lives, but daily. Where do you see God's faithfulness raining down today? O come, O come Emmanuel.

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