Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sermon: You Give Them Something to Eat!

Favorite Bible Stories: “You Give Them Something to Eat”
Luke 1:37; 9: 10-17
by Rev. Carson Overstreet
Van Wyck Presbyterian Church
February 4, 2018

The story of Jesus feeding the five thousand people is a favorite story among this congregation.

As Tony shared in his children’s sermon, Jesus gave his followers strength that they were learning how to live into.

This truth is important for Luke’s Gospel. He begins chapter nine stating that Jesus gave the twelve disciples power and authority and Jesus sent them to use this God-given strength to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal (Luke 9:1-2).

Keeping that in mind, hear the rest of Luke’s story (Luke 9: 10-17) with fresh spiritual eyes….

On their return the apostles told Jesus all they had done. He took them with him and withdrew privately to a city called Bethsaida.

When the crowds found out about it, they followed him; and he welcomed them, and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed to be cured.

The day was drawing to a close, and the twelve came to him and said, ‘Send the crowd away, so that they may go into the surrounding villages and countryside, to lodge and get provisions; for we are here in a deserted place.’

But he said to them, ‘You give them something to eat.’

They said, ‘We have no more than five loaves and two fish—unless we are to go and buy food for all these people.’ For there were about five thousand men.

And he said to his disciples, ‘Make them sit down in groups of about fifty each.’ They did so and made them all sit down.

And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. And all ate and were filled. What was left over was gathered up, twelve baskets of broken pieces.

Luke says because the disciples have been sent with God’s power to join Christ’s ministry they are now considered apostles – the sent ones. The marching orders which Jesus gave the apostles are based on Jesus’ servant leadership. Jesus did not ask them to do anything that he was not already doing. According to Luke, Jesus was sent by God for the purpose of proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God (Luke 4:43).

According to Luke, the kingdom of God creates life-giving reversals:

God’s kingdom lifts up the lowly and brings down the powerful (Luke 1:52; 18:14; 18:17; 21:3-4);

provides abundance in the midst of the world’s scarcity (Luke 1:53; 11:3; 12:28: 13:19);

reveals merciful love in the midst of fear (Luke 1:54; 6:27-28; 10: 25-37; 23:44-46);

creates the power of presence in the midst of distraction and loneliness (Luke 10:41-42; 13:21);

brings healing and wholeness in the face of illness and brokenness (Luke 4: 31-35; 4:39; 5:13; 5:24; 6:8,10; 6:18; 7: 9-10; 7:14; 9:42; 13:13; 14:4; 18:42; 24:1-12);

accomplishes justice that redeems systemic oppression (Luke 1:51; 2:34; 3:5; 6: 20-26; 14:13-14; 14: 21; 18:5-8; Acts 13:17);

proclaims the gift of salvation to deliver God’s people (Luke 3:6; 15:7; 15:10; 15:22-24; 22:19-20; 23:43; 24:26-27, 30-32; 24:45-49).

Jesus loved talking with others about the truths of God’s kingdom. The crowds were drawn to Jesus’s presence and the picture his words painted. They had an insatiable hunger and thirst for God’s abundant presence that redefined human existence. God’s kingdom always provides the MORE we are looking for.

And yet the ones who Jesus sent to reveal the hopes of kingdom living (the apostles) were the ones who told Jesus to send the crowd away. This large gathering was in a deserted place – a place of scarcity. And the “sent ones” told Jesus to send the crowd away to find their own provisions in the midst of physical lack. Doesn’t this sound ironic to you?

Maybe the twelve saw an impossible situation confronting them. Maybe they felt confident helping a few people at a time, but right now they worried and doubted their resources to live into their calling.

Days later Jesus would tell them, “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat, or about your body, what you will wear….Your Father knows what you need. Instead strive for his kingdom and these things will be given to you" (Luke 12: 22, 30-31).

But in this moment Jesus says, “You give them something to eat (Luke 9:13). And then Luke makes a point to state this is a teaching moment. Luke no longer calls the twelve “apostles” but now calls them “disciples,” – the ones who are to follow the Rabbi’s every move and learn to live into their strengths and calling.

How did Jesus show how to strive for the kingdom first? How did Jesus proclaim the kingdom to those 5,000 people and the disciples?

Jesus affirmed his complete dependence upon God and his trust in God’s provision. Jesus offered the resources which were given to him and prayed God would bless them to reveal God’s abundance. And Jesus gave the disciples the opportunity to extend visible signs of God’s invisible grace (Luke 9: 16).

God makes a way when there seems like no way. Nothing is impossible for God (Luke 1:37). As Tony shared in the children's sermon, God's favorite word is "impossible."

And yet just as Tony shared in his children’s sermon, our human tendency is to focus on what we are lacking. It is the narrative the world teaches. And it is discouraging to say the least. But remember the kingdom of God has great power to reverse the ditches of life.

Some family sized churches feel stuck in the ditch, discouraged when they compare their communal resources to larger churches. It is like comparing a 90 member church to a large church with thousands of members. The smaller church often feels like its resources are a few loaves and fish while the big church budget overflows with potential.

But let me tell you – never underestimate the ministry of a small church! My spirit is overwhelmed by your conviction of God’s provision and your reliance upon the Lord.

This church is open to listen for opportunities to follow Jesus’ command, “You give them something to eat!” “You give them something that reveals the kingdom of God!”

You are following Jesus and proclaiming the kingdom of God is near through our partnership with HOPE Food Pantry. Our food donations join forces in a communal effort to feed nearly 5,000 individual families annually who are in need here in Lancaster.

You are following Jesus and proclaiming the kingdom of God is near with our noisy offerings for Dimes for Hunger. In Lancaster alone, we are helping to feed our elderly homebound neighbors with Meals on Wheels, feed homeless guests at the New Hope Soup Kitchen, and glean local produce for those in need.

You are following Jesus and proclaiming the kingdom of God is near with Thanksgiving baskets overflowing with all the special holiday trimmings and Christmas gifts for families who would otherwise wake up to nothing. These local families in Van Wyck see God’s unconditional love and abundant presence and celebrate the gifts of grace with new hope.

You are following Jesus and proclaiming the kingdom of God is near through our ecumenical ministry of Back to School Bash. So many here washed the feet of children whose feet were bruised and blackened from wearing shoes too small. You told the children the story of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet, and many of those children finished telling the story. You put new socks and shoes on over 800 children’s feet and they walked away knowing you love them for who they are and that God loves them too.

As followers of Jesus Christ, God is always presenting you and me with teaching moments. We are called to follow Jesus’ example of fully relying on God (FROG) and trusting in God’s provision.

We are to offer up the resources and strengths God has given us – no matter how small they might seem – and watch God do something amazing with them and through them! In doing so Jesus says that you and I are now the “sent ones” to give others something that reveals the kingdom of God is breaking in right here and right now!

May God’s Spirit continue to move among us to open our spiritual and physical eyes to see new opportunities to follow Jesus and proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal through the ministry of reconciliation.

May we jump in with all that we are and all that we have to join in God’s mission of transforming the world.

In the name of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

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