Sunday, December 6, 2015

Advent Breath Prayer: Preparing the Way

Advent Breath Prayer: Dec 6

"And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give knowledge of salvation to his people by the forgiveness of their sins." - Luke 1: 76-77

Inhale: "Prepare"
Exhale: "The Way."

Breathe in and breathe out God's word throughout the day in short pauses. Light the second candle of the Advent wreath for peace.

The words from Luke are Zechariah's song. He lifts a song of peace to proclaim that his baby boy, John the Baptist, is preparing the way for the Lord, the Messiah, to come. John will grow up to prepare a way of confession that makes room for our hearts to be turned towards God's kingdom breaking in. The knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of sins allows us to unburden our hearts and to be covered by God's steadfast love and forgiveness. It is the first step towards experiencing God's peace.

What would you dare to confess to make room in your heart for Christ's peace to reign in your spiritual house? Would you name fear, grief, broken dreams, doubt, conflict? Spend some time today in prayer to unclutter your spiritual house and purge the obstacles to experience God's promises. Spend some prayerful time today to prepare the way of the Lord.

Dear God, help me to follow the tune of the song of peace and prepare the way of the Lord. Help me to make room for peace to reign inside so that I might share your hope and peace with others. Amen.

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