Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Advent Breath Prayer: Restoring Joy

Advent Breath Prayer: Dec 15

"Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and sustain in me a willing spirit." Psalm 51:12

Inhale: "Restore"
Exhale: "Joy"

Breathe in and breathe out God's Word throughout the day in short pauses.

The words from Psalm 51:12 are such centering words. Reflect back to the time that you encountered the joy of knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It may have been a defining moment in your life. Or maybe Christ's spiritual presence took hold of you through gentle taps through the years. However you have encountered Christ in your life, it certainly brings some clarity to the way we should live our lives. God's forgiveness and grace changes the way we see the world and ourselves. That grace brings a new found joy that nothing in the world can provide apart from God.

As we go through life we continue to seek the joy of God's salvation. It is a journey of looking for God's presence in the ordinary moments of life. We encounter the sacred in these ordinary moments and God's holiness continues to reveal God's actions to deliver us and shape us to be the people God desires us to be.

Jesus Christ ultimately reveals to us the joy of salvation, for God so loved the world that God sent Emmanuel to reveal God is with us every step along this journey of life and faith. The Christ Child empowers us and sustains our spirits to follow God's Ways in faithful obedience. Reflect on the gift of joy we have in Jesus Christ - the true joy of our salvation.

Dear God, restore to me the joy of your gift of salvation. Give me a heart of gratitude and empower me to follow you with an obedient and willing spirit through Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. Amen.

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